4 - les ve výškách s.r.o.

Date of registration: 19th December 2014
File number: C 31844 managed by the Regional Court in Pilsen
Business name of the company: 4- les Ve Výškách s.r.o.
Place of business: Nádražní 653, 348 02 Bor
Identification number: 03660036
Legal status: limited liability company
Executive directors: Ing. Jindřich Stejskal, Milan Riška
Executive Authority: Each executive director has authority to represent the company independently
Milan Riška, deposit CZK 100, 000, business share 50%
4-les s.r.o., deposit CZK 100, 000, business share 50 %
Registered capital: CZK 200, 000


4-les Ve Výškách s.r.o.
Nádražní 653
348 02 BOR
IČ: 036 600 36

Phone: 00420 608 477 119, 00420 602 101 918
E-mail: milanriska@seznam.cz, stejskal@4-les.com, info@4-ice.cz

IMS policy

The company 4- les Ve Výškách, s.r.o is committed in its activities consistently to implement the policy of a unified integrated management system. This shall include a commitment to provide safe methods of work and healthy conditions, and to ensure protection of the environment.
